Q&A with COMPASS Coordinating Center Directors
Our first contributors need no introduction. Well-known in their respective fields, Patrick Sullivan, PhD, DVM, Nic Carlisle, JD, and Samira
March 8, 2022
We have exciting news, the COMPASS Initiative® team is growing! Three out of four of our coordinating centers currently have open positions. Follow the links below for a detailed job description and to apply.
Research Support Coordinator
University of Houston (Houston, TX)
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Program Evaluator
Wake Forest School of Divinity Posting (Winston-Salem, NC)
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Program Coordinator
Emory University Rollins School of Public Health (Atlanta, GA)
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Our first contributors need no introduction. Well-known in their respective fields, Patrick Sullivan, PhD, DVM, Nic Carlisle, JD, and Samira
Column By: Tiffany Smith Tiffany lives in Atlanta, GA and works with the Emory COMPASS Coordinating Center. She previously worked
Column By: Tiffany Smith Tiffany lives in Atlanta, GA and works with the Emory COMPASS Coordinating Center. She previously worked
Emory University COMPASS Coordinating Center is excited to announce a monthly webinar series geared towards building the organizational capacity of
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