
Trainings and Consultations

Trainings and Consultations

The three Coordinating Centers will provide individual consultations, and group trainings to facilitate individual or organizational change among organizations in the South. These trainings and consultations will focus on addressing the Gilead COMPASS Initiative® focus areas including capacity building, stigma reduction, trauma-informed care and wellbeing among people living with HIV.

COMPASS seeks to create long-term, sustainable change in leaders, organizations, and communities by supporting capacity-building strategies that will strengthen the infrastructure and support the viability of organizations that serve those living with HIV/AIDS. Our unique community-centered trainings explore how systematic oppression, stigma, and racial, ethnic, and gender inequities impact the South.

To request one or more trainings on behalf of your organization, please submit an online training request detailing the information, resources, or training topic(s) from which your organization may benefit. The appropriate Coordinating Center will respond to your training request within 72 business hours from the time of submission.

Eligibility: Community based organizations with a 501(c)3 status, non-profit organizations without a 501(c)3 status, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), and other not for profit organizations with a medical care component, all of which must be residing in any of the nine (9) Southern states (AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, TX) are eligible to apply for trainings (please note that local government agencies are also able to apply to Wellbeing & Mental Health or Stigma Reduction & Culturally Responsive Care trainings only).

The COMPASS Coordinating Centers offer education, training and capacity building programs in the following areas:

Capacity Building Assistance

These trainings focus on building organizational capacity and increasing shared knowledge among HIV/AIDS-serving community-based organizations.

The Emory COMPASS Coordinating Center’s trainings focus on building organizational capacity and increasing shared knowledge among HIV/AIDS-serving community-based organizations.  We work directly with community-based organizations across the South to identify opportunities for growth by providing tailored trainings focused on increasing operational capacity, enhancing program performance, and supporting professional development.

Governance and Leadership

Governance refers to board-level oversight and decision-making related to strategic direction, financial planning, and bylaws. This includes policies that outline the organization’s purpose, values, and structure. Trainings in this category will help organizations strengthen their systems of governance and leadership.

Mission, Vision, and Strategy

Trainings in this category will help organizations set priorities, focus staff energy and resources toward those priorities, and strengthen operations. These trainings will also help organizations ensure alignment between employee and stakeholder efforts, establish or adjust common goals and agreements, and develop plans to achieve intended outcomes.

Finance and Administration

Fiscal accountability is the key to maintaining a healthy non-profit organization. Trainings in this category will help organizations set financial goals, establish management systems, ensure policies and operational procedures are set in place and up-to-date, and ensure staff are trained and able to make prudent financial decisions.

Resource Development

Organizations that rely on only one or two funding sources run the risk of losing funding in times of political, community and financial uncertainty and/or change. Diversification of resources prepares organizations to incorporate multiple streams of income or multiple suppliers within a funding category to help stabilize financial resources. Focus areas include grant management, grant writing, donor management, and stakeholder engagement. Areas of special interest include 340B and insurance reimbursements.

Strategic Relationships and Coalition Building

Developing partnerships and coalitions among organizations with similar goals is a key strategy used to enhance the reach of community efforts. Trainings will focus on leveraging the skills, strengths, and resources of each partner to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the combined effort by minimizing duplication and redundancy. Areas of focus include public relations, coalition building, and partnership development.


A solid communications strategy helps to engage stakeholders in the work of an organization, inspires them to donate to the cause and keeps them invested. Both internal and external stakeholders benefit when the intended message for the organization is clear and to the point – allowing everyone to accurately represent the agency’s focus and share its successes.

Internal Management and Operations

Documented, learned, and enforced internal management policies and procedures in an organization provides an environment in which managers and staff can maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of their operations. They are also a mechanism to monitor the achievement of operational goals and objectives. Focus areas for these trainings include human resource management, IT and facility management and planning, and volunteer and staff development and management.

Service Delivery and Impact

Trainings that support organizations’ development, implementation and analysis of service delivery systems. Focus areas include program evaluation, quality assurance, assessment, and innovation.

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Well-being & Mental Health

These trainings are best if you are seeking to implement and sustain evidence-based and culturally sensitive mental health, trauma-informed care, substance use (particularly harm reduction) and wellness HIV services at your organization.

SUSTAIN’s model of capacity building assistance (CBA) is a collective set of adaptable strategies implemented in partnership with organizations aiming to empower, strengthen and improve service delivery. We aim to foster a unified commitment to continuous learning among our partners which better cultivates organizational responsiveness to community needs. All of our trainings can be tailored to specific communities, including Black cisgender women, Black same gender loving men, transgender women and the Latinx community, as well as others.

The trainings mentioned above are examples and can be tailored to your organizations’ specific needs. Also, note that your application is a starting point; SUSTAIN will make recommendations on what trainings may be the best fit and most effective in achieving your organizations’ goals. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Then contact us with a description of the requested training and we will assess whether or not we can meet that need, or refer you to another organization outside of the Gilead COMPASS Initiative® that can assist with that specific request.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Then contact us with a description of the requested training and we will assess whether or not we can meet that need or refer you to another organization outside of the COMPASS Initiative. that can assist with that specific request.


SUSTAINing Together Training Scholarship

Scholarship deadline: Sunday, November 10, 2024, at 11:59 pm CST

Healing-Centered and Anti-Oppressive Leadership: Cultivating the Next Generation of Emerging HIV Leaders

Scholarship Details:

The SUSTAIN Wellbeing COMPASS Coordinating Center is excited to announce the launch of our second continuing education opportunity for case managers, service linkage workers, and those in similar roles who provide services to people living with or impacted by HIV in Georgia.  The 2-day in-person training on Trauma-informed Case Management will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, on Tuesday, February 11, and Wednesday, February 13, 2025, from 9 am to 6 pm. Twenty selected participants will receive $1,000 to cover travel costs to and from the training (flight, hotel, food, Uber, and any other costs associated with the travel to and from training) and compensation for their time. The SUSTAIN Center will provide breakfast, snacks, and lunch on both days.

For questions, assistance, and accommodations, contact Lladira Aguilar at and Alejandra Avilés (

Click the Apply Now button below to get started on your application!

Harm Reduction- Philosophy, Principles, & Interventions

This training will explore how hard reduction philosophies and principles can be embodied across communities and services to create a culture of safety that also challenges stigma and discrimination faced by people who use drugs.

Provided in partnership with the Harm Reduction Coalition.

Understanding Mental Health & HIV/AIDS

This training defines mental health and addresses its intersection with HIV as well as how mental health play out in the lives of people living with HIV.

Provided in partnership with The BACH Group.

Mental Health Literacy 101

Designed to give staff and community-based organizations a broad overview of mental health diagnosis, therapy, as well as basic counseling skills and tools to support mental health counselors, and address mental health stigma.

Provided in partnership with BEAM.

Trauma Informed Approaches for HIV Service Organizations

This training aims to help organizations develop trauma-informed environments and practices by utilizing SAMHSA’s six key principles of trauma-informed approaches. The training provides an introduction to trauma and trauma-informed approaches to care, and tailored to support people living with HIV.

Provided in partnership with the Ribbon Consulting Group.

Legislative Advocacy Training

This training will increase the capacity of participants to effectively leverage their personal and professional experiences to engage government leaders in policy and advocacy efforts related to scaling up progressive wellness, trauma-informed care, substance abuse, and mental health policies in their communities.

Provided in partnership with the Black Futurist Group.

Integrating Healing Justice - Unconscious Bias, Race & Organizational Change

This training is designed to give corporations and collectives the skills to 1) Cultivate and employ shared language and frameworks when addressing bias and issues of difference, 2) Review, assess, and tailor communication styles to more effectively support wellbeing and a culture of diversity, and 3) Implement successful conflict resolution policies and active listening practices that cultivate compassion and ongoing learning as it relates to race, gender identity, and sexuality.

Provided in partnership with BEAM.

Trans & Queer Youth Experiences with Health Services

This training aims to increase participant awareness of systems of oppression that impact individuals and provision of services, as well as identify best practices for working with gender and sexually diverse young people.

Provided in partnership with Micky Bradford.

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Stigma Reduction and Culturally Responsive Care

These trainings emphasize the need for HIV awareness, stigma reduction, and culturally responsive care in our effort to address the epidemic in the Southern United States.

Now accepting applications!

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Then contact us with a description of the requested training and we will assess whether or not we can meet that need, or refer you to another organization outside of the Gilead COMPASS Initiative® that can assist with that specific request.

Stigma and HIV

The FRESH (Finding Respect and Ending Stigma around HIV) Workshop aims to define stigma as well as facilitate discussion around understanding the diverse forms of stigma and how it presents in organizational settings. Additionally, the workshop seeks to examine the drivers of stigma, generate a personalized understanding of stigma, and to assist in the understanding of the adverse effects of stigma at the personal, interpersonal, and institutional levels.

Cultural Competence & Humility

Identity, Dynamics and Strategies”: This training will develop participant skills to deliver client-centered services with cultural competence and humility in order to support access to and continuous engagement in HIV prevention and care services.

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