2023 ORGanized Webinar Series

Game On: Achieving Organizational Sustainability through Winning Strategies

Are you ready to level up your organization’s capacity building and sustainability strategies?
Then join us for the 2023 ORGanized webinar series, where we’re using classic board games to explore winning strategies for organizational sustainability.

Capacity building and organizational sustainability require many of the same skills as board games: strategy, adaptability, innovation, and passion. Just like a good board game, building capacity and maintaining organizational sustainability requires a clear vision, smart decision-making, and the ability to adapt and change as circumstances dictate.

Session 1

The Monopoly Mindset: Building a Diverse Funding Portfolio
Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 12PM – 1PM EST
Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rfuqsqjIqH9GEr2RRcNs4hSbZB8YZzxkd

The classic board game Monopoly will be our inspiration for the first session’s discussion on self-sustaining funding streams. Monopoly teaches us the importance of strategic investments, risk-taking, and maximizing returns. The game teaches players the importance of diversifying income sources and maximizing returns, skills that can be applied to building a portfolio of funding sources that can help organizations withstand challenges and changes. The session will explore these principles and how they can be applied to create a self-sustaining financial model for organizations.

Session 2

Risk and Reward: Planning for Total Organizational Change
Thursday, July 13, 2023 | 12PM – 1PM EST
Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkf-GuqD8vGtT_QflzD9VQNn62PgGMYHMN

Don’t miss out on Risk and Reward: Planning for Total Organizational Change, a webinar that uses the classic board game Risk to explore how to plan for major organizational changes. Join us and learn about strategic planning, managing risk, and seizing opportunities. In “Risk,” players must plan and strategize to take over territories, just like organizations must plan and strategize to navigate changes in their core mission. Sign up now and discover how the lessons from the game of Risk can help your organization thrive in times of change.

Session 3

Life’s Little Lessons: Creating a Culture of Growth and Development
Thursday, September 14, 2023 | 12PM – 1PM EST
Register: ttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEkd-usrz4jGtNnB6zeDsOK7HPl3zsrZ0Od

Join us for our upcoming webinar, “Creating a Culture of Growth and Development with The Game of Life.” In this session, we’ll explore how to combat employee attrition and turnover rates by creating a culture that centers employees’ needs and fosters a feeling of “home” using the classic board game, The Game of Life.

The Game of Life provides a perfect analogy for discussions on personal and professional growth, and the importance of creating a supportive culture in the workplace. With its emphasis on career choices, family planning, and financial management, participants will gain valuable insights into the challenges that employees face and how organizations can support them in achieving their goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to create a culture of growth and development within your organization!

Session 4

Checkmate Stagnation: How to Identify When It’s Time for New Leadership
Thursday, November 9, 2023 | 12PM – 1PM EST
Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYocuqqrDMjHN1gK_eUZ2DyTwFVNwxRHYPF

Join us for our upcoming webinar, “Checkmate Stagnation: How to Identify When It’s Time for New Leadership,” where we’ll be using the classic board game Chess to explore how to create space for emerging leadership. Chess teaches us about strategic planning and identifying weaknesses to create a strong leadership team that’s ready to tackle the challenges of the future. Discover how to identify when an organization has become stagnant under older leadership and make strategic moves to create space for new leaders to emerge. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn valuable insights from one of the most strategic board games of all time.

Each session will be presented as a panel discussion, and we’ll be taking questions before and during the session to foster a lively conversation. Join us to learn how to apply the strategies and skills of classic board games to achieve organizational sustainability and capacity building. Let’s play to win!

Jan 31, 2019

Q&A with COMPASS Coordinating Center Directors

Our first contributors need no introduction. Well-known in their respective fields, Patrick Sullivan, PhD, DVM, Nic Carlisle, JD, and Samira

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Feb 05, 2019

More than a Statistic. More than One Story.

Column By: Tiffany Smith Tiffany lives in Atlanta, GA and works with the Emory COMPASS Coordinating Center. She previously worked

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Mar 06, 2019

The Intersection of Faith and Wellness

Column By: Tiffany Smith Tiffany lives in Atlanta, GA and works with the Emory COMPASS Coordinating Center. She previously worked

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Jun 04, 2019

ORGanized: A Webinar Series on Organizational Capacity Building

Emory University COMPASS Coordinating Center is excited to announce a monthly webinar series geared towards building the organizational capacity of

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Oct 23, 2019

Intimate Partner Violence and HIV: Is There a Connection?

Column By: Kheyanna Suarez Hailing from the beautiful island of St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands, Kheyanna has spent a majority

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